

Vacancies for ESL Teachers

发布时间:2011-07-15 浏览次数: 设置

Vacancies for ESL Teachers
Sichuan Engineering Technical College (SETC), founded in 1959, is a public institution of higher learning approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Covering an area of some 134 hectares at present, SETC is located in Deyang, Sichuan in southwestern China and boasts perfect facilities for teaching, living and study. The campus is in such a beautiful setting covered with abundant flowers and green trees, and reflected in a placid lake that rightly makes your study and teaching pleasant.
In 2006 SETC was designated one of the first batch of 28 National Model Vocational Colleges by the Ministry of Education, and since 1996, in an effort to accelerate the reform and development, SETC has been actively engaged in international exchange and cooperation. For instance, SETC entered long-term cooperation with UVU, Snow College, BYU, Canada Confederation College, and GBB Institute for Training and Careers in Dortmund, Germany while at the same time many foreign teachers or experts are hired on short-term and long-term contracts. With cooperative research and effective work of these foreign teachers and experts, we have made much headway in our teaching and education. Two foreign teachers at SETC, James Michael Parsons and Scott Peter Mitchell, received the Excellent Foreign Guest Teacher Award for the Year 2006 by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education, and Scott Peter Mitchell received the Excellent Foreign Guest Teacher Award for the Year 2007 from the same authority.
In recent years, our international exchange and cooperation have developed greatly, which have helped to upgrade our faculty level and yielded good results in teaching and research. However, in order to further enhance mutual understanding and learning between our college and other institutions in the world and promote the establishment of our curriculum, we warmly welcome more foreign teachers and experts to come to join us here at Sichuan Engineering Technical College.
If you are interested in coming to our college, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Two Vacancies for Foreign Teachers.
Requirements for the Candidates:
--A native speaker of English, with pure pronunciation;
--Need to work for one academic year or more;
--Physically sound and healthy;
--A holder of BA or higher degree.
--With certificate in English Teaching as a Second Language;
Priority will be given to candidate who has rich teaching experiences. 
Courses to Teach:
--Language Teaching: Audio-visual English, Oral English, English Reading and Writing, Business English, etc.
Salary and Benefits:
Salary will be paid according to your diplomas/degrees or job titles. You will also have a one-month paid holiday a year.
International Air Ticket:
Once a foreign teacher is employed for one academic year, SETC will provide him/her with a round air ticket (economy class) between his/her native country and SETC.
Living Conditions:
Free housing will be offered, which is equipped with furniture, western style toilet, air conditioner/heater, color TV set, refrigerator, washing machine, water cooler, gas stove, computer connected with the Internet, and telephone, etc.
Medical Care:
We will provide insurance for foreign expert to every foreign teacher.
Chinese lessons to be learned for free.
Application Procedure:
Please send the following documents to our Foreign Affairs Office by E-mail or Fax:
Personal information such as resume, name, gender, nationality, date of birth, current address, educational experience, and passport number, and recommendation letters, photocopy of any academic qualifications or scholastic records such as college transcripts, 2 recently-taken passport photos and photocopy of the first page of your passport.
We will respond to your application as soon as possible.
Contact Information:
Contact person: Jiang Xianlun (Mr.)
E-mail: andyjiangxianlun@gmail.com or andy@scetc.net
Tel: +86-838-2651110
Fax: +86-838-2651119
Add: 801# Second Section, Taishan South Road
Deyang, Sichuan 618000

四川工程职业技术学院是教育部批准建立的普通高等院校,学院成立于1959年,现有校园面积近1200亩,具有完善的教学、学习和生活设施,校园内鲜花锦簇,绿树成荫,环境非常优美。2006年四川工程职业技术学院被教育部确定为全国首批28所国家示范性高职高专院校。自1997年以来,学院为加快改革和发展,积极开展了对外交流与合作,与美国犹他州立学院(UVSC)、美国斯洛学院(Snow College)、美国杨伯翰大学(BYU)和加拿大联邦学院(Canada Confederation College)、德国多特蒙德总院培训学院等大学建立有长期的合作关系,学院聘请了大批的长短期外籍教师和专家,来我校教学和进行合作科研。2006年我院两名外籍教师James Michael Parsons Scott Peter Mitchell荣获 “2006年度四川省优秀外籍教师称号。Scott Peter Mitchell还荣获 “2007年度四川省优秀外籍教师称号。
1. 母语为英语,有学士及以上学位。有相应资格证和教学经验者优先;
2. 身体状况良好;
3. 教学课程:英语视听课、英语口语、英语阅读、英语写作、商务英语等。
1. 工资:根据学历、职称而定,一年有一个月带薪假;
2. 国际交通费:聘期一年,学院提供一次往返国际机票;
3. 住宿条件:每一外籍教师可免费住房。住房设施齐全,包括家具、空调、电脑(联网)、彩电、冰箱、洗衣机、热水器、燃气灶、电话等;
4. 医疗待遇:提供人身意外伤害保险;
5. 任期:一年或以上;
6. 免费听中文课。
1. 将有关资料发传真至86-838-2651119或发邮件至andyjiangxianlun@gmail.com   andy@scetc.net
2. 有关资料包括:简历(姓名、性别、国籍、出生日期、地址、教育情况、工作经验、护照号码等)、推荐信、学历(学位)证书和资格证书复印件、护照复印件、两寸个人免冠近照两张;
3. 我们会在第一时间与您联系。
联系人:蒋显伦先生    邮编:618000
电话:86-838-2651110            传真:86-838-2651119

